© 2025 Jasper van Baten, AmsterCHEM

Manual pick mode

To manually pick points in your graph of which you want to know the graph coordinates, you must make sure you are in Manual pick mode. You can select Manual pick mode from the Edit menu, or from the mode selection in the top left of the window.

You can only enter Manual pick mode if your axes have been defined.

Pick a point in your graph by clicking with the left mouse button. While your left mouse button is down, a symbol will occur. You can still move this symbol around until you let go of your mouse. Then, the symbol will be placed in the graph, and added to the current data set. This will show as the selected data point in the data list in the top of your screen.

Selected data points appear in another color than unselected data points (see options). As long as your data is visible, you can select and manipulate your data.

If Snap is turned on (in the top of the window, below the mode selection and window size, or press Ctrl+P), ScanIt will attempt to place the point on a curve or symbol near your selected location. To do this, it finds the nearest pixel that is not background color. Next, it tries to find the center of the curve or data point that pixel belongs to. If Snap fails, you will hear a beep and the point will be placed exactly at the location you clicked.

If Snap is turned off, the point will be placed exactly where you clicked. You can move the inserted point per pixel by using Ctrl plus the arrow keys on your keyboard.

The maximum distance Snap looks for is the scan window size. You can adjust the window size in the top left of the window, below the mode selector. The window size is in pixels of your image. If Snap is turned on, you can see the scan window as a box in the Zoom View.

See also: Defining your axes, Trace curve mode, Scan for symbols mode.

Adjusting data points
Axes definition
Background color
Bitmap file
Black and white filter
Creating a data set
Data files
Data format
Data sets
Defining your axes
Deleting data
Editing data
Erasing data
Exporting data
Filtering your image
Getting started
Graphics Interchange File format (GIF)
Gray scale filter
Highlighting edges of colored regions
Hot keys
Importing images from other applications
Inverting colors
JPEG files
Keyboard shortcuts
Lines between data points
Logarithmic axes
Manipulating data
Manually picking points
Marker color
Marker size
Moving data points
New data set
New window
Opening documents
Opening images
Pasting images
Picking points
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
printf format strings
Reducing color resolution
Removing data
Removing noise
Resampling data
Saving documents
Saving your image
ScanIt Document files (SID)
Scanning for symbols
Scanning points on a curve
Selected marker color
Selecting data
Shortcut keys
Significant digits
Sorting data
Starting a document
System requirements
Tagged Image File Format (TIF)
Text files
Trace recursion level
Using your data in other applications
Zoom View
 Welcome to ScanIt
 The document windows
 Storing and loading documents
 The Zoom View
 Preparing your image
 Gathering data
 Defining your axes
 Manual pick mode
 Trace curve mode
 Scan for symbols mode
 Manipulating data
 Using data in other applications
 Keyboard shortcuts
 Disclaimer and license